Love to Read Bookends

Have kids make these clever bookends that blend in with a collection of their favorite books or kids can give them as a gift to someone who loves to read.

What you’ll need:

  • empty cereal or other similar size boxes
  • empty clean plastic bags from the cereal boxes or other small, clean plastic bags
  • construction paper and white paper
  • glue and tape
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • markers


For each bookend, have kids fill a plastic bag with stones or gravel and tape the bag closed. Put the bag in the box and then tape the box closed.

To turn this weighted box into a “book,” have kids cover the top, bottom, and one of the narrow sides of the box with white paper. These are the “pages” of the book. While the glue dries, have kids work on the cover, spine, and back of their books.

Kids should use a ruler to figure out the sizes of construction paper needed to cover the rest of the box. When they’ve got the right sized pieces, they need to draw the cover, including the title and author of this “book.” Have some books handy so they can see what’s included on the outside of a book.

In designing the cover, they could create their own version of a favorite book, make a sequel or add to a favorite series, or create a cover for a book they want to write. Have them write the title on the construction paper for the spine and on the paper for the back cover, they should add any illustrations or information they want to include.

Have them glue their spine and front and back covers to the box. When both bookends are dry, kids can use the ruler to draw lines on the white paper for “pages.” Then the bookends are ready to hold books upright on the shelf.