Plan a day of outdoor sports with activities and games straight out of Dr. Seuss’s books. Start with readings from The Cat in the Hat, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, and The King’s Stilts and then get active with Dr. Seuss!
- Play Up-up-up and let kids try the Cat in the Hat’s balancing act. Collect some of the objects that the Cat held while he balanced on a ball: books, umbrella, toy ship, paper fan, and (plastic) cup and dish. Then, one at a time, each player gets to try holding all the items as other players offer them. A player can use any body part to help balance the items. When the player drops one or more items, it is the next player’s turn. Make it more challenging by having players balance on one foot while holding the objects!
- Ring the Gack from One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish is the perfect game to play out back! Make rings for this ring toss game by using duct tape to secure 21-inch lengths of heavy rope or clothesline into a circle or by cutting rings from a cylindrical cardboard container. Gack’s are rare and hard to find, but two small, interesting tree branches attached using duct tape to an overturned bucket or garbage can make a good substitute for a Gack and his fine antlers. See how far back from the Gack kids can stand as they try to toss the rings over the antlers.
What other sorts of activities does Dr. Seuss inspire? Do some more reading and make up your own fun games!